The Celtic Society of the Monterey Bay (CSMB) had its origin in 1989 when Tam Paterson, then host of 'The Eagle's Whistle' on KAZU, announced a meeting at The White Cockade in Boulder Creek for those wishing to form a Celtic Society. About a dozen people showed up. Get-togethers at various private residences followed with local musicians providing entertainment.
The real “heart” in the formation of the CSMB was inspired by local musicians and their followers, who had nowhere to showcase their talents, and – in their undying love of the music, and Celtic tradition, wanted to share it with others. After several years of playing sessions, and house concerts and the odd booking, they decided to officially form a group who could promote the Celtic Culture around the Monterey Bay, and start running folk clubs in the area, with the express intention of making Celtic music a household name.
They did everything legally, and the name Celtic Society Of The Monterey Bay was registered and a bank account opened, with money donated by enthusiastic supporters .
The people behind the movement back then really deserve a mention in the grand scheme of the formation of the society for who knows, without their input, the CSMB might not exist today, as the great success it has become.
Initial President was Brid Caveney, a multi instrumentalist musician who had played extensively in most of the Celtic Nations of the World, before moving to California in the early 80’s.The very first ever Celtic Society newsletter was sent out from the Caveney household – in Marina CA, by his wife Bronwyn, who was at the time working for a printing firm – who sponsored the project. It appeared in the Spring of 1991 where it was announced, "our aim as a Society is to keep alive Celtic tradition and promote same in the community." It was also noted in the first newsletter that monthly sessions were being moved to The Elkhorn Yacht Club in Moss Landing. Other “officials” at that time were Suzanna O’Sullivan, who took on the treasurer’s job. Her (then) husband Jimmy played the highland pipes, and there was an incredible depth of local musicians who helped get the CSMB up and running. It was at The Elkhorn Yacht Club that The Celtic Society presented their first concert on Sunday, April 12, 1992 by the Irish singer Michael Black.
The group developed several venues in the area, including the “O’James Folk Club” at the Grovemont Theatre in Monterey, before moving “Out of town” and setting up the folk club at the Elkhorn Yacht Club in Moss Landing. Before they could actually afford to book “Major “guests, they had many great “sessions” at the venue, and continued their love of the Celtic traditions.With the setting for sessions gradually moving northwards, with McCarthy's Restaurant ( now The Britannia Arms ) in Aptos succeeding The Elkhorn Yacht Club as the venue, concerts began to be organized in the Santa Cruz area as the most convenient central location for the increasing number of people interested in attending events from the South Bay area.
The first of the Santa Cruz concerts took place at The Kuumbwa on Tuesday, December 14th 1993 by Andy Irvine with an opening set by Martin & Jessica Simpson. This was a co-production made possible by the generous financial support, supplementing the meager bank account, by Lisa Eckstrom and Lynda Fotheringham ( R.I.P. ), both of whom continued to help enrich our lives with future co-productions and individual productions.
In the early 90’s, Bob Breheney took on the gauntlet of keeping the CSMB name alive, and taking it to new level. He has contracted many great stars to play in our area, and the title CSMB is very much alive today. Recently, the CSMB incorporated in California as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is run by the board members shown below.
Ian Walton joined the Board in 2017. He became President in November 2023. He grew up in Scotland and first participated in Celtic music in the back of a bus with the St Andrews University Mountaineering Club. He moved to Santa Cruz in 1973 and has been enjoying Celtic Society concerts since the late 90s. He enjoys playing depressing Celtic ballads from all over the world and can be heard at Open Mics around Santa Cruz. A retired community college mathematics instructor, he was President of the statewide Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and Chair of the Commission that accredits two-year colleges in California, Hawaii and the Pacific. Post COVID, he hopes to help bring back the Celtic Society’s wonderful selection of traditional bands as well as to encourage young performers from Scotland, Ireland and Cape Breton to visit Santa Cruz.
Recent retiree Kathy Fieberling became a big fan of Celtic and traditional music in the early 60s as a young teenager, and has attended festivals and concerts ever since. She studied sean nós singing with Irish singer/songwriter Mary McLaughlin and was a member of Mary’s Irish Gaelic choir, Cor Aingli. With years of experience working for a local non-profit, Kathy hopes to lend her skills to the Celtic Society doing PR, development, and event and volunteer coordination. She is most enthusiastic about helping to bring the best of Celtic performers to the Monterey Bay area. Kathy spreads the word about our concerts by sending press releases to the local newspapers and radio stations and is also a member of our Volunteers and Housing Subcommittee.
Peter Schwarz got interested in folk music in the 80’s, during his graduate studies in Pittsburgh, PA. Through concerts hosted by George Balderose at Calliope House, he became a fan of Celtic music, as well as old-time string bands and other forms of acoustic roots music. He also got involved in radio, hosting a folk music program (and a punk music program!) on the Carnegie-Mellon station, WRCT. Upon moving to San Jose in 1985, Peter joined the staff of listener-sponsored radio station KKUP, where he has hosted a program featuring Celtic music and a variety of other forms of folk music ever since, and also serves as Music Director. When not listening to music, Peter works as a Research Staff Member at IBM’s Almaden Research Center. Peter believes we live in a musical “ecosystem”: a synergistic community of performers, audiences, venues, promoters and media that combine to give the Bay Area its vibrant musical scene. By serving on the Board of the Celtic Society of the Monterey Bay, he hopes to help keep this ecosystem thriving for many years to come.
Pete Haworth was a founding member of the 501(c)(3) non-profit version of the Celtic Society. Pete has been a music fan most of his life, playing guitar in teenage rock bands in England in the 70's and graduatingto folk muisc in general and Celtic music in particular in the 80's. Along with bagpiper David Brewer, he was a founding member of local Celtic band Molly's Revenge. Pete is now retired and feels busierthan he ever did when he was in full time employment.
I first became interested in Celtic music after listening to the Dubliners in the 1960’s and was a regular at local folk clubs in the North of England. I have attended many of the Celtic Society shows when Pete and I lived in Sunnyvale. When we moved over to Soquel in 2000 we started hosting house concerts. We also offer home stays for many of the visiting musicians and have made many good friends over the years. I am a founding member of the Celtic Society Board, as Secretary and now Membership Secretary. Our membership has almost doubled since we took the Society into a non profit organization. I am an avid gardener and volunteer at the UCSC Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.
Gloria has been with the Celtic Society of Monterey Bay since the organization was formed. An avid lover of all music Celtic, she has also served on the Board of Directors for the Folk Alliance and has been a member of Folk Alliance since 2000. She spends her free time traveling to Scotland, Ireland and folk festivals from here to there. Ms. Rosson works as an Attorney in San Jose, and has performed many hours of pro bono work for musicians throughout her career. She aspires to keep the Celtic Society flourishing, so that the best in traditional music will always find ahome in the Santa Cruz area.
Welcome to our newest Board member. Andy writes: Born in New York, raised in New Jersey moved to Santa Cruz in 1988 to attend UCSC. Met my Wife in college and stayed on in Santa Cruz ever since. I was a science and math teacher in Watsonville for 10 Years and A firefighter in Santa Cruz city for the past 20 until recently retiring. A life long lover of all types of music ( I dabble on the acoustic guitar) My Love for Celtic music began in the 1980's listening to Clannad, Pentangle, Chieftains, The Pouges, The Dubliners and The Battlefield Band. Since the 1990's I have been attending local Celtic shows and festivals in the bay area. All time favorites include- Old Blind Dogs, John Doyle, Solas, Dick Gaughan, Jim Malcom and many others. Celtic music resonates for me on a deep level and I look forward to continuing the mission of the Celtic society in bringing the best Celtic music from around the world to our area. Hopefully, we can expose a new generation of listener's who also hear the magic!
Benfits include monthly newsletter, concert ticket discounts, no credit card fees on ticket purchases, free CDs, and exclusive member only events
Help us to continue bringing world class Celtic musicians to the area by becoming a member. Individual and family memberships are available, starting at $25 per year. .
You can also join our mailing list for free
These events are not sponsored by the Celtic Society. If you have any questions, please direct them to the contact information in the event listing. Check out the Americeltic and Irish Culture Bay Area events calendars for more local events.
You can now list online shows!
Tue Mar 11th 2025 7:00 PM
O'Flaherty's Irish Pub, 25 North San Pedro Square San Jose
Fri Mar 14th 2025 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Woodhouse Blending & Brewing, 119 Madrone Street Santa Cruz
Fri Mar 14th 2025 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Montalvo Arts Center, 15400 Montalvo Rd. Saratoga
Sat Mar 15th 2025 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Felton Music Hall, 6275 Highway 9 Felton
Sat Mar 15th 2025 8:00 PM
Felton Music Hall, 6275 Highway 9 Felton
Mon Mar 17th 2025 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Steel Bonnet Brewing Company, 20 Victor Square Scotts Valley
Tue Mar 18th 2025 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
O'Flaherty's Irish Pub, 25 N. San Pedro San Jose
Thu Mar 20th 2025 7:00 PM
Rosie McCann's Irish Restaurant and Pub, 1220 Pacific Avenue Santa Cruz
Tue Mar 25th 2025 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
O'Flaherty's Irish Pub, 25 N. San Pedro San Jose
Get your Celtic music fix and support our local radio stations by listening to the following programs.
New Wood
Peter Schwarz
Thursday 7 AM - 10 AM
Friday Folk-Off
Greg Winslow
Friday 3 PM - 6 PM
The Rising of the Moon
Captain Nashville
4th & 5th Mondays, 6 AM - 9 AM
Website version 1.1.1
© 2018-2025 Celtic Society Of The Monterey Bay, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation (EIN 47-3366613)